viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2020

Blog 6: English language challenges

I think I learned more English in university than in school. So it has served me a lot, blogging has helped too much to practice my writing. In addition to the fact that they are entertaining and it distracts me to read the blog of my colleagues, especially in the pandemic situation.

I need to improve my pronunciation and my listening skills, so I plan to watch more videos on youtube or series in the native language, English, and study the pronunciation between certain words that sound similar.

In general, I think it's difficult to practice my English, because I don't have anyone close to speak it with, with the classes I managed to practice a little, but during the rest of the year this is not possible. So even though it sounds strange, there are times when I speak English alone in my room, this has helped me a lot, to connect ideas, but not for my pronunciation. On the other hand, in class it was hard for me to speak, because I panic, especially when I speak with someone who knows a lot of English, so I need to improve my confidence

In general, learning languages ​​attracts me, so this year with the boredom of the pandemic, I downloaded an application where you can speak with native people or people who want to practice languages. In this app I met a boy, who lives in South Korea, we have been talking about 5 months. The only language we speak in common is English, because I know the basics of Korean and he doesn't know Spanish. This has helped me to practice my writing. But because of the time difference, we cannot talk much, only for a couple of hours, when here it is very early in the morning or very late at night.

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2020

Blog 5: Illustration


The specialization that I would like to study would be graphic design, in other words, in visuality and media, this is the title that the University of Chile delivers. I had already decided this before entering university, because I have always liked this area more, since I was child I liked to draw and some subjects have shown me that I am not very useful for the industrial area.

If I had to choose the job that I would like to do in the future, it would be illustration. As I mentioned before, since I was a child I like to draw, and well within this profession I would love to dedicate myself to the design of characters, either for comic or for later animation. I would love to create a character that would later appear in a comic, an animation like a video game. Or make illustrations for books.

I think that the most important aspects when choosing a job is to feel comfortable in the work environment, whether in the physical environment or with your colleagues. I think that a friendly environment facilitates the flow of creativity, something very relevant in Design.

In terms of strengths and weaknesses, I think it is always easier to say weaknesses than strengths. I consider that I am very self-demanding, I do not know if it is a weakness or a strength XD, I am very thorough and I like to give the best of myself. Regarding weaknesses I get frustrated quickly and tend to stress or panic.

Blog 6: English language challenges

I think I learned more English in university than in school. So it has served me a lot,  blogging has helped too much to practice my writing...